Watch The Snowy Day online

Can you stream the Animation movie The Snowy Day, directed by Jamie Badminton & Rufus Blacklock & starring Donielle T. Hansley Jr., Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Laurence Fishburne & Regina King on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Snowy Day

Based on the award-winning book by Ezra Jack Keats. Peter goes on a magical, snowy walk to his Nana's house to bring home their Christmas Eve dinner.

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Amazon Prime Video YouTube
Its release date is Friday November 25, 2016

Production details

Director Jamie Badminton & Rufus Blacklock
Cast Donielle T. Hansley Jr., Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Laurence Fishburne & Regina King
Genre Animation
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2016-11-25
Theme Christmas
Script Ann Austen, Deborah Pope, Ezra Jack Keats (based on the book by) & Irene Sherman
Runtime 38 min

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The Snowy Day | Nov 25th, 2016

The Snowy Day
7.5/10 | By Jamie Badminton & Rufus Blacklock
United States of America | Animation
Amazon Prime Video YouTube