Watch The Three-Sided Mirror online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Three-Sided Mirror, directed by Jean Epstein & starring Jeanne Helbling, Olga Day, Raymond Guérin-Catelain & Suzy Pierson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Three-Sided Mirror

Psychological narrative avantgarde film about a wealthy young businessman who consecutively falls in love with a classy English woman (Pearl), a Russian sculptress (Athalia), and a naive ...

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Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1927

Production details

Director Jean Epstein
Cast Jeanne Helbling, Olga Day, Raymond Guérin-Catelain & Suzy Pierson
Genre Drama
Country of origin France
Release date 1927-01-01
Script Jean Epstein (adaptation) & Paul Morand (novel)
Cinematography Marcel Eywinger
Runtime 45 min

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