Watch The Time Machine online

Can you stream the Adventure, Fantasy & Thriller movie The Time Machine, directed by George Pal & Simon Wells & starring Alan Young, Rod Taylor, Sebastian Cabot & Yvette Mimieux on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Time Machine

A man's vision for a utopian society is disillusioned when travelling forward into time reveals a dark and dangerous society.

TAGLINE: "You Will Orbit into the Fantastic Future!"

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Its release date is Wednesday August 17, 1960

Production details

Director George Pal & Simon Wells
Cast Alan Young, Rod Taylor, Sebastian Cabot & Yvette Mimieux
Genre Adventure, Fantasy & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1960-08-17
Theme based on novel, Dystopia, Future, Inventor, London England, Moon Fiction, Time Machine, Time Travel & Victorian England
Place setting Future
Time setting 1899, 1900, 1900s, 1903, 1917, 1940, 1966 & 2030
Location California, Los Angeles & New York (state)
Script David Duncan (earlier screenplay), David Duncan (screenplay), H.G. Wells (novel) & John Logan (screenplay)
Cinematography Donald McAlpine & Paul Vogel
Music Klaus Badelt & Russell Garcia (composer)
Costs $750,000
Runtime 103 min


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