Watch The Uninvited online
Can you stream the Drama, Horror & Mystery movie The Uninvited, directed by Charles Guard, Charles Guard, Thomas Guard & Thomas Guard & starring Arielle Kebbel, David Strathairn, Elizabeth Banks & Emily Browning on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Uninvited
Anna returns home after a stint in a mental hospital, but her recovery is jeopardized by her cruel stepmother and ghastly visions of her dead mother.
TAGLINE: "Can you believe what you see?" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday January 30, 2009
Production details
Director | Charles Guard, Charles Guard, Thomas Guard & Thomas Guard |
Cast | Arielle Kebbel, David Strathairn, Elizabeth Banks & Emily Browning |
Genre | Drama, Horror & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2009-01-30 |
Theme | Death & Grieving, Death Of Mother, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Evil stepmother, Evil Woman, Hanging A Picture, Medical Kit, Mental Illness & Insanity, Mystery, Remake, Unsent Letter & White Dress |
Place setting | Maine |
Location | Vancouver |
Script | Carlo Bernard (screenplay), Craig Rosenberg (screenplay), Doug Miro (screenplay), Hongryon") & Jee-woon Kim (motion picture "Changhwa |
Cinematography | Daniel Landin |
Music | Christopher Young |
Box Office Revenue | $41,624,046 |
Runtime | 87 min |