Watch The Unspeakable Act online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Unspeakable Act, directed by Dan Sallitt & starring Aundrea Fares, Kati Schwartz, Sky Hirschkron & Tallie Medel on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Unspeakable Act

17-year-old Jackie is in distress as her older brother Matthew gets his first girlfriend and prepares for college. Though Matthew does not share her incestuous desire, Jackie fights the intrusion of reality on her idyllic childhood world.

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Its release date is Thursday April 19, 2012

Production details

Director Dan Sallitt
Cast Aundrea Fares, Kati Schwartz, Sky Hirschkron & Tallie Medel
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2012-04-19
Theme Incest & Siblings
Place setting Brooklyn & Manhattan
Time setting 2011 & 2012
Location New York City
Script Dan Sallitt
Cinematography Duraid Munajim
Music Mark Noseworthy
Runtime 91 min
Homepage The Unspeakable Act Homepage
