Watch The Wicksboro Incident online

Can you stream the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Wicksboro Incident, directed by Richard Lowry & starring Bobby Harwell, Dan Brinkle, David Arnold & Kyle Nudo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Wicksboro Incident

In 1953 the entire population of Wicksboro, Texas vanishes. Forty five years later a witness comes out of hiding to tell the story.

TAGLINE: "In 1953 the entire population of Wicksboro, Texas vanishes. Forty five years later a witness comes out of hiding to tell the story."

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Its release date is Tuesday February 25, 2003

Production details

Director Richard Lowry
Cast Bobby Harwell, Dan Brinkle, David Arnold & Kyle Nudo
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2003-02-25
Theme Texas & Town Vanishes
Script Tor Reyel Lowry
Runtime 71 min

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