Watch Thieves’ Highway online
Can you stream the Drama & Thriller movie Thieves’ Highway, directed by Jules Dassin & starring Barbara Lawrence, Lee J. Cobb, Richard Conte & Valentina Cortese on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Thieves’ Highway
A war-veteran-turned-truck driver attempts to avenge the crippling and robbing of his father at the hands of an amoral produce scofflaw.
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Its release date is Monday October 10, 1949
Production details
Director | Jules Dassin |
Cast | Barbara Lawrence, Lee J. Cobb, Richard Conte & Valentina Cortese |
Genre | Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1949-10-10 |
Theme | Apple Picking, Classic Noir, Film Noir, Produce, Revenge, San Francisco, Truck Crash & Truck Driver |
Place setting | California & San Francisco |
Location | San Francisco |
Script | A.I. Bezzerides (based on his novel: "Thieves' Market") & A.I. Bezzerides (screen play by) |
Cinematography | Norbert Brodine |
Music | Alfred Newman (composer) |
Runtime | 94 min |