Watch Three Colors: Blue online
Can you stream the Drama, Music & Mystery movie Three Colors: Blue, directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski & starring Benoît Régent, Charlotte Véry, Florence Pernel & Juliette Binoche on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Three Colors: Blue
A woman struggles to find a way to live her life after the death of her husband and child.
Its release date is Sunday January 10, 1993
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Its release date is Sunday January 10, 1993
Production details
Director | Krzysztof Kieslowski |
Cast | Benoît Régent, Charlotte Véry, Florence Pernel & Juliette Binoche |
Genre | Drama, Music & Mystery |
Country of origin | France & Poland |
Release date | 1993-01-10 |
Theme | Composer, Grieving, Loss Of Loved One, music musicians, Pain, Paris, Self Harm, To Compose & Widowhood |
Place setting | Paris |
Location | France & Paris |
Script | Agnieszka Holland (scenario collaborator), Edward Zebrowski (scenario collaborator), Krzysztof Kieslowski (scenario), Krzysztof Piesiewicz (scenario) & Slawomir Idziak (scenario collaborator) |
Cinematography | Sławomir Idziak |
Music | Zbigniew Preisner |
Runtime | 98 min |