Watch Three Seconds online

Can you stream the Drama movie Three Seconds, directed by Anton Megerdichev & starring Ivan Kolesnikov, Marat Basharov, Viktoriya Tolstoganova & Vladimir Mashkov on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Three Seconds

Going Vertical is a film based on real events that occurred in 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. It focuses on a legendary final battle between USSR and USA basketball teams.

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Its release date is Thursday December 28, 2017

Production details

Director Anton Megerdichev
Cast Ivan Kolesnikov, Marat Basharov, Viktoriya Tolstoganova & Vladimir Mashkov
Genre Drama
Country of origin Russia
Release date 2017-12-28
Theme 1970s, 20th Century, Basketball, Basketball Court, Basketball Player, Dedication, Olympic Games & Sport
Script Andrey Kureychik & Nikolay Kulikov
Cinematography Daniel Katz
Box Office Revenue $51,169,464
Runtime 133 min