Watch Time Changer online
Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Family movie Time Changer, directed by Rich Christiano & starring D. David Morin, Gavin MacLeod, Hal Linden & Jennifer O'Neill on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Time Changer
A Bible professor from 1890 comes forward in time to the present via a time machine and cannot believe the things that he sees!
TAGLINE: "What if you could see the future impact of your beliefs? One man will." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday October 25, 2002
Production details
Director | Rich Christiano |
Cast | D. David Morin, Gavin MacLeod, Hal Linden & Jennifer O'Neill |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Family |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2002-10-25 |
Theme | Christian Film, Evangelicalism, Time Machine & Time Travel |
Script | Rich Christiano |
Cinematography | Philip Hurn |
Music | Jasper Randall |
Costs | $825,000 |
Runtime | 95 min |