Watch TKG: The Kids of Grove online
Can you stream the Crime & Thriller movie TKG: The Kids of Grove, directed by Damien Giglietta & starring Anthony Ciccotosto, Henry Torres, Mark Casamento & Timothy Courtman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: TKG: The Kids of Grove
Wrapping up a long week of work employees are in a fight for survival against a local gang who are out for blood - but who is justified? A thrilling look into the consequences experienced by trying to do the "right thing" by society.
Its release date is Wednesday September 23, 2020
All streaming services available
No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Wednesday September 23, 2020
Production details
Director | Damien Giglietta |
Cast | Anthony Ciccotosto, Henry Torres, Mark Casamento & Timothy Courtman |
Genre | Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | Australia |
Release date | 2020-09-23 |
Theme | Social Issues |
Script | N/A |
Runtime | 115 min |