Watch Touchy Feely online

Can you stream the Drama movie Touchy Feely, directed by Lynn Shelton & starring Allison Janney, Ellen Page, Rosemarie DeWitt & Scoot McNairy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Touchy Feely

A massage therapist is unable to do her job when stricken with a mysterious and sudden aversion to bodily contact. Meanwhile, her uptight brother's floundering dental practice receives new life when clients seek out his healing touch.

TAGLINE: "A self-improved comedy"

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Its release date is Saturday January 19, 2013

Production details

Director Lynn Shelton
Cast Allison Janney, Ellen Page, Rosemarie DeWitt & Scoot McNairy
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2013-01-19
Theme Brother, Contact, Dentist, Drug, Drugs, Kiss, Massage, Masseuse & Therapist
Script Lynn Shelton
Cinematography Benjamin Kasulke
Box Office Revenue $35,022
Runtime 89 min
Homepage Touchy Feely Homepage


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Touchy Feely | Jan 19th, 2013

Touchy Feely
5.3/10 | By Lynn Shelton
The United States | Drama
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation Tubi TV