Watch Twisted online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Crime movie Twisted, directed by Philip Kaufman & starring Andy García, Ashley Judd, David Strathairn & Samuel L. Jackson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Twisted
Jessica, whose father killed her mother and committed suicide, is a police officer. While investigating a murder, she finds herself in the center of her own investigation, when her former lovers start being murdered.
TAGLINE: "Every murder has a mark." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday February 27, 2004
Production details
Director | Philip Kaufman |
Cast | Andy García, Ashley Judd, David Strathairn & Samuel L. Jackson |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Crime |
Country of origin | Germany & The United States |
Release date | 2004-02-27 |
Place setting | San Francisco |
Location | San Francisco |
Script | Sarah Thorp |
Cinematography | Peter Deming |
Music | Mark Isham |
Costs | $50,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $25,195,000 |
Runtime | 97 min |