Watch Ultras online

Can you stream the Drama movie Ultras, directed by Francesco Lettieri & starring Aniello Arena, Ciro Nacca, Daniele Vicorito & Simone Borrelli on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Ultras

Naples. At almost fifty years old Sandro is the leader of the Apache, a group of ultras with whom he has spent his whole life at the stadium: a life of violence, clashes, passions, and ...

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Its release date is Monday March 9, 2020

Production details

Director Francesco Lettieri
Cast Aniello Arena, Ciro Nacca, Daniele Vicorito & Simone Borrelli
Genre Drama
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2020-03-09
Script Francesco Lettieri
Runtime 108 min
Homepage Ultras Homepage
