Watch Unfortunate stories online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Unfortunate stories, directed by Javier Fesser & starring Athenea Mata, Chani Martín, Fernando Sansegundo & Pol López on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Unfortunate stories

An anthology of four stories about very miserable people.

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Its release date is Thursday November 19, 2020

Production details

Director Javier Fesser
Cast Athenea Mata, Chani Martín, Fernando Sansegundo & Pol López
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Spain
Release date 2020-11-19
Theme Curses, Extraterrestrial Life, Familicide Fiction, Families, Orphans, Spanish Movie, Suicide Fiction, Surreal & Surreal Comedy
Place setting China, Italy, Paris, Pennsylvania, San Francisco, Tokyo & Washington, D.C.
Time setting 16th century, 2005 & 2006
Location San Francisco, Vancouver & Winnipeg
Script Claro García & Javier Fesser
Runtime N/A
Homepage Unfortunate stories Homepage
