Watch Unfriended online
Can you stream the Horror & Thriller movie Unfriended, directed by Josh Weisbrod & Levan Gabriadze & starring Moses Jacob Storm, Renee Olstead, Shelley Hennig & William Peltz on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Unfriended
On an isolated satellite in outer space, a guy named Kaboom is torn between virtual friends, real friends, and true friends.
TAGLINE: "Online, your memories last forever. But so do your mistakes." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday April 17, 2015
Production details
Director | Josh Weisbrod & Levan Gabriadze |
Cast | Moses Jacob Storm, Renee Olstead, Shelley Hennig & William Peltz |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2015-04-17 |
Theme | Bullying, Bullying & Cyberbullying, Computer, Friendship, Humiliation, Internet, Internet Chat, Revenge, Social media, Social Media Fiction, Suicide, Teenager, Teenagers & Violence |
Place setting | California |
Location | Los Angeles County |
Script | Josh Weisbrod & Nelson Greaves |
Cinematography | Adam Sidman |
Costs | $1,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $62,882,090 |
Runtime | 11 min |