Watch Uninvited online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Uninvited, directed by Greydon Clark & starring Alex Cord, George Kennedy, Rob Estes & Toni Hudson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Uninvited

A cat infected with a genetically engineered virus escapes from a lab. The mutant feline goes on a killing spree, and finds its way on board a yacht owned by a shady businessman who's invited a group of young people to hangout.

TAGLINE: "They paid for a holiday of a lifetime... with their lives."

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Its release date is Wednesday August 24, 1988

Production details

Director Greydon Clark
Cast Alex Cord, George Kennedy, Rob Estes & Toni Hudson
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 1988-08-24
Theme Blood, Cat, Cats, Escaped Animal, Scientific Experiment, Spring Break & Yacht
Place setting Florida
Script Greydon Clark
Runtime 91 min


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