Watch Unlikely Revolutionaries online

Can you stream the movie Unlikely Revolutionaries, directed by Lucio Pellegrini & starring Edoardo Gabbriellini, Giuseppe Battiston, Lidia Biondi & Pierfrancesco Favino on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Unlikely Revolutionaries

Five people, disillusioned with their lives and passionately opposed to politics, decide to kidnap a politician, to dispense justice and use the ransom money to compensate the family of a victim of an on-the-job worker.

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Its release date is Friday October 22, 2010

Production details

Director Lucio Pellegrini
Cast Edoardo Gabbriellini, Giuseppe Battiston, Lidia Biondi & Pierfrancesco Favino
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2010-10-22
Script Francesco Cenni, Lucio Pellegrini & Michele Pellegrini (screenplay)
Cinematography Gian Enrico Bianchi
Music Giuliano Taviani
Runtime 102 min