Watch Vigilante Diaries online

Can you stream the Action movie Vigilante Diaries, directed by Christian Sesma & starring Danny Trejo, Jason Mewes, Michael Jai White & Michael Madsen on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Vigilante Diaries

The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure following The Vigilante (Paul Sloan) and The Kid (Kevin L. Walker) on dangerous adventures, from the mega-mansions and the underbelly...

TAGLINE: "Crime Never Stops. Neither Do They."

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Its release date is Thursday September 1, 2016

Production details

Director Christian Sesma
Cast Danny Trejo, Jason Mewes, Michael Jai White & Michael Madsen
Genre Action
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2016-09-01
Theme Commando, Electric Shock, Electrical Torture, Muscleman, Sharks & Shark Attacks, Torture, Tough Guy, Vigilante & Vigilantism
Place setting Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles
Script Christian Sesma & Paul Sloan
Cinematography Anthony J. Rickert Epstein
Music Kevin Reipl
Costs $4,000,000
Runtime 107 min

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