Watch Viva Villa! online

Can you stream the Western movie Viva Villa!, directed by Howard Hawks, Jack Conway & William A. Wellman & starring Donald Cook, Fay Wray, Leo Carrillo & Wallace Beery on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Viva Villa!

In this fictionalized biography, young Pancho Villa takes to the hills after killing an overseer in revenge for his father's death. In 1910, he befriends American reporter Johnny Sykes. ...

TAGLINE: "...TOO BIG FOR was dramatized in the heart of Mexico, with a cast of thousands!"

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Its release date is Friday April 27, 1934

Production details

Director Howard Hawks, Jack Conway & William A. Wellman
Cast Donald Cook, Fay Wray, Leo Carrillo & Wallace Beery
Genre Western
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1934-04-27
Theme Biography & Pancho Villa
Script Ben Hecht (screen play), Edgecumb Pinchon (suggested by the book by) & O.B. Stade (suggested by the book by)
Cinematography James Wong Howe
Music Herbert Stothart
Runtime 115 min

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