Watch War Of The God Monsters online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie War Of The God Monsters on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: War Of The God Monsters

After Dr. Kim is gone missing trying to find dinosaurs traces, the young and pretty reporter Kang Ok-hi is sent by her chief editor to investigate on Dr. Kim's new theory. She disguises as a maid and searches Dr. Kim’s house to steal his thesis. During the day, Dr. Kim investigates about some archeological work nearby the coast and manages to discover dinosaurs footprints. Suddenly, a mysterious giant bird (who looks like a prehistoric bird with a chicken head) appears and some disastrous incidents occur one after another. Dr. Kim believes that the only way to prevent those is by destroying the bird’s eggs. He then starts to search for the eggs as new monsters appear and rampage the nearby cities.

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Its release date is Saturday January 12, 1985

Production details

Cast Da-hye Kim, Kim Ki-Ju, Moon Tae-Seon & Nam Hye-gyeong
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin South Korea
Release date 1985-01-12

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