Watch War Room online

Can you stream the Drama movie War Room, directed by Alex Kendrick & starring Beth Moore, Karen Abercrombie, Priscilla C. Shirer & T.C. Stallings on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: War Room

A seemingly perfect family looks to fix their problems with the help of Miss Clara, an older, wiser woman.

TAGLINE: "Prayer is a Powerful Weapon"

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Its release date is Friday August 28, 2015

Production details

Director Alex Kendrick
Cast Beth Moore, Karen Abercrombie, Priscilla C. Shirer & T.C. Stallings
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2015-08-28
Theme Christian, Christianity, Evangelicalism, Family, Fights, Marriage, Prayer, Religion & Religion & Faith
Location North Carolina
Script Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick
Cinematography Bob M. Scott
Music Building 429
Costs $3,000,000
Box Office Revenue $67,790,117
Runtime 120 min


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War Room | Aug 28th, 2015

War Room
6.4/10 | By Alex Kendrick
The United States | Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation