Watch Welcome to the Dollhouse online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Welcome to the Dollhouse, directed by Todd Solondz & starring Christina Brucato, Christina Vidal, Heather Matarazzo & Victoria Davis on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Welcome to the Dollhouse
An unattractive seventh grader struggles to cope with inattentive parents, snobbish classmates, a smart older brother, an attractive younger sister, and her own insecurities in suburban New Jersey.
TAGLINE: "Not all girls want to play with dolls." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday May 24, 1995
Production details
Director | Todd Solondz |
Cast | Christina Brucato, Christina Vidal, Heather Matarazzo & Victoria Davis |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1995-05-24 |
Theme | Bullying, Dysfunctional Families, Independent Film, Little Girl, Mockery, New Jersey, parent child relationship, Pedophilia, School Life, Sibling Relationship, Suburbia & Ugliness |
Place setting | New Jersey |
Location | New Jersey |
Script | Todd Solondz |
Cinematography | Randy Drummond |
Music | Jill Wisoff |
Costs | $800 |
Box Office Revenue | $5 |
Runtime | 88 min |