Watch West and Soda online
Can you stream the Animation, Comedy & Western movie West and Soda, directed by Bruno Bozzetto & starring Carlo Romano, Luigi Pavese, Nando Gazzolo & Vittoria Febbi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: West and Soda
A greedy villain tries to coerce a woman into marrying him so he can take over her land, when a stranger rides into town intent on taking down the bad guys.
Its release date is Friday October 1, 1965
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Its release date is Friday October 1, 1965
Production details
Director | Bruno Bozzetto |
Cast | Carlo Romano, Luigi Pavese, Nando Gazzolo & Vittoria Febbi |
Genre | Animation, Comedy & Western |
Country of origin | Italy |
Release date | 1965-10-01 |
Script | Attilio Giovannini, Bruno Bozzetto & Sergio Crivellaro (dialogue) |
Runtime | 86 min |