Watch White Fire online

Can you stream the Action & Thriller movie White Fire, directed by Jean-Marie Pallardy & starring Belinda Mayne, Fred Williamson, Jess Hahn & Robert Ginty on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: White Fire

Two Russian siblings living in Istanbul, Turkey, who work in the diamond fencing business, scheme to steal the newly discovered legendary diamond White Fire, but their rivals have other plans in mind.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes diamonds are not a girl's best friend."

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Its release date is Thursday July 5, 1984

Production details

Director Jean-Marie Pallardy
Cast Belinda Mayne, Fred Williamson, Jess Hahn & Robert Ginty
Genre Action & Thriller
Country of origin Turkey
Release date 1984-07-05
Theme Diamond Mine & Siblings
Place setting Turkey
Script Jean-Marie Pallardy, Jean-Marie Pallardy (adapted by), Jean-Marie Pallardy (story) & Ted Francis (screenplay)
Runtime 101 min


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