Watch Why Stop Now? online

Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Why Stop Now?, directed by Phil Dorling, Phil Dorling, Ron Nyswaner & Ron Nyswaner & starring Isiah Whitlock Jr., Jesse Eisenberg, Melissa Leo & Tracy Morgan on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Why Stop Now?

When a college piano prodigy tries to check his mother into rehab, he is taken hostage by her drug dealer and swept along on a wild adventure.

TAGLINE: "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Rehab."

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Its release date is Friday August 17, 2012

Production details

Director Phil Dorling, Phil Dorling, Ron Nyswaner & Ron Nyswaner
Cast Isiah Whitlock Jr., Jesse Eisenberg, Melissa Leo & Tracy Morgan
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2012-08-17
Theme Drugs
Place setting Boston
Script a short film written by), Phil Dorling (source material: 'Predisposed', Phil Dorling (written for the screen by), Ron Nyswaner (source material: 'Predisposed' & Ron Nyswaner (written for the screen by)
Cinematography Ben Kutchins
Music Spencer David Hutchings & Tomandandy
Runtime 85 min


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