Watch Wind online
Can you stream the Action movie Wind, directed by Carroll Ballard & starring Cliff Robertson, Jack Thompson, Jennifer Grey & Matthew Modine on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Wind
Will Parker, played by Matthew Modine, loses the Americas Cup, the worlds biggest sailing prize, to the Australians and decides to form his own syndicate to win it back.
TAGLINE: "The only thing better than winning the America's Cup is losing it... and winning it back." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday September 11, 1992
Production details
Director | Carroll Ballard |
Cast | Cliff Robertson, Jack Thompson, Jennifer Grey & Matthew Modine |
Genre | Action |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1992-09-11 |
Theme | Australia, Boat, Experimental, Race, Sailing & Team |
Location | Australia, Rhode Island & Utah |
Script | Jeff Benjamin (story), Kimball Livingston (story), Mac Gudgeon (screenplay), Roger Vaughan (story) & Rudy Wurlitzer (screenplay) |
Costs | $29,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $5,519,569 |
Runtime | 126 min |