Watch Woodlawn online

Can you stream the Drama movie Woodlawn, directed by Andrew Erwin & Jon Erwin & starring C. Thomas Howell, Jon Voight, Sean Astin & Virginia Williams on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Woodlawn

A gifted high school football player must learn to embrace his talent and his faith as he battles racial tensions on and off the field.

TAGLINE: "One Hope. One Truth. One Way (John 14:6)"

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Its release date is Thursday October 15, 2015

Production details

Director Andrew Erwin & Jon Erwin
Cast C. Thomas Howell, Jon Voight, Sean Astin & Virginia Williams
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2015-10-15
Theme Christianity, Evangelicalism, Racism, Religion & Sport
Place setting Alabama
Time setting 1973
Location Alabama
Script Jon Erwin, Mark Shlabach (book), Quinton Peeples & Todd Gerelds (book)
Cinematography Kristopher Kimlin
Music Paul Mills
Costs $12,000,000
Box Office Revenue $14,394,097
Runtime 123 min


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