Watch X2 online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie X2, directed by Bryan Singer & starring Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen & Patrick Stewart on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: X2
The X-Men band together to find a mutant assassin who has made an attempt on the President's life, while the Mutant Academy is attacked by military forces.
TAGLINE: "The time has come for those who are different to stand united." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday April 24, 2003
Production details
Director | Bryan Singer |
Cast | Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen & Patrick Stewart |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2003-04-24 |
Theme | Based On Comic, Mind Control Fiction, Mutant, Shapeshifting, Superhero, Superhuman & Telekinesis |
Place setting | Boston, Canada, Washington, D.C., Westchester County, New York & White House |
Location | Alberta & Toronto |
Script | Bryan Singer (story), Dan Harris (screenplay), David Hayter (screenplay), David Hayter (story), Michael Dougherty (screenplay), N/A & Zak Penn (story) |
Cinematography | Newton Thomas Sigel |
Music | John Ottman |
Costs | $110,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $407,711,549 |
Runtime | 134 min |