Watch Yo soy un político online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Yo soy un político, directed by Javier Colón Ríos & starring Carlos Marchand, Héctor Oliveras García, Jay Fonseca & Lillian Hurst on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Yo soy un político

Carlos is an ex-convict looking for a job where he can make a lot of money without putting in a lot of work. After discussing it with his cellmate; Cangri; they decide that the only job ...

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Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Thursday August 11, 2016

Production details

Director Javier Colón Ríos
Cast Carlos Marchand, Héctor Oliveras García, Jay Fonseca & Lillian Hurst
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Puerto Rico
Release date 2016-08-11
Script Javier Colón Ríos & Susana Matos
Costs $85,000
Runtime 90 min
Homepage Yo soy un político Homepage


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Inside the Circle
N/A/10 | By Javier Colón Ríos
United States of America | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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