Watch Yolngu Boy online

Can you stream the Drama movie Yolngu Boy, directed by Stephen Johnson & starring John Sebastian Pilakui, Nathan Daniels & Sean Mununggurr on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Yolngu Boy

Lorrpu, Botj and Milika are three Yolngu (Aboriginal) teenagers who once shared a childhood dream of becoming great hunters together. But as teenagers they changed: Botj did bad things ...

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Its release date is Thursday March 22, 2001

Production details

Director Stephen Johnson
Cast John Sebastian Pilakui, Nathan Daniels & Sean Mununggurr
Genre Drama
Country of origin Australia
Release date 2001-03-22
Theme Aboriginal Australians
Place setting Northern Territory
Script Chris Anastassiades
Box Office Revenue $671
Runtime 88 min

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