Watch You Only Live Once online
Can you stream the Crime, Drama & Romance movie You Only Live Once, directed by Fritz Lang & starring Barton MacLane, Henry Fonda, Jean Dixon & Sylvia Sidney on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: You Only Live Once
The public defender's secretary and an ex-convict get married and try to make a life together, but a series of disasters sends their lives spiraling out of control.
Its release date is Friday January 29, 1937
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Its release date is Friday January 29, 1937
Production details
Director | Fritz Lang |
Cast | Barton MacLane, Henry Fonda, Jean Dixon & Sylvia Sidney |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1937-01-29 |
Theme | Based On True Events, Ex-con, Film Noir, On The Lam & Wrongly Convicted |
Script | C. Graham Baker (screenplay) & Gene Towne (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Leon Shamroy |
Music | Alfred Newman (composer) |
Costs | $575 |
Runtime | 86 min |