Watch Zapped Again! online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Zapped Again!, directed by Doug Campbell & Jake Hooker & starring Kelli Williams, Maria McCann, Reed Rudy & Todd Eric Andrews on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Zapped Again!

A new kid moves into school, making enemies with the affluent societies and joining the beleaguered Science Club. But when an old potion is discovered to confer telekinetic power he gets ...

TAGLINE: "Emerson High has raised more than its academic standards."

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Its release date is Saturday April 14, 1990

Production details

Director Doug Campbell & Jake Hooker
Cast Kelli Williams, Maria McCann, Reed Rudy & Todd Eric Andrews
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1990-04-14
Theme High School, Laboratory, Parody, Potion, Science, Sex, Sex Comedy & Telekinesis
Script Ben Montanio (teleplay), Bruce Rubin (characters), Jack Morris (story), Jack Morris (teleplay), Robert J. Rosenthal (characters) & Vince Cheung (teleplay)
Cinematography Tom Grubbs
Music Brian Scott Bennett
Runtime 96 min


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