Watch Zozo online

Can you stream the Drama movie Zozo, directed by Josef Fares & starring Antoinette Turk, Carmen Lebbos, Elias Gergi & Imad Creidi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Zozo

A Lebanese boy gets separated from his family during the civil war and ends up in Sweden.

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Its release date is Friday August 5, 2005

Production details

Director Josef Fares
Cast Antoinette Turk, Carmen Lebbos, Elias Gergi & Imad Creidi
Genre Drama
Country of origin Sweden
Release date 2005-08-05
Theme Children, Families, Homelessness, Immigration & Refugees & Orphans
Place setting Sweden
Time setting 1980s
Script Josef Fares
Costs $5,600,000
Runtime 105 min