Watch Номер 1 online

Can you stream the Comedy & Thriller movie Номер 1 on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Номер 1

Artyom, a young adventurer, meets Felix - the once legendary art thief, who was called "Number One". The "Old School" and the newcomer decide to crank up the scam of the century - to steal one of the most expensive paintings of our time - "N 1" by Mark Rothko from the gallery owned by the ex-wife of Felix and her new husband. By chance, Artem meets Marina and falls in love with her. And she turns out to be an investigator and really wants to catch Felix red-handed.

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Its release date is Thursday March 19, 2020

Production details

Cast Dmitry Vlaskin, Filipp Yankovsky, Igor Mirkurbanov & Kseniya Sobchak
Genre Comedy & Thriller
Country of origin Russia
Release date 2020-03-19

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