Movies like На Луне to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie На Луне with Aleksandr Baluev, Ivan Arkhangelsky, Stepan Lapin & Vitaly Kishchenko?

Movies like На Луне with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of На Луне?

Gleb, the son of a very important, wealthy and high-ranking lord, earned his dubious exploits on the verge of crime the reputation of a daredevil and a lawless man. Once during a night race in the streets of Moscow, moving away from the pursuit of the traffic police, Gleb lost control and hit a pedestrian. Until the troubles subside, the father sends his son away to the northern regions, to the place where he liked to hunt back in the 90s and where he met a hermit living in the forest. It is with him that Gleb is “hidden”. For a young man, a completely different life begins with an extremely unpredictable, gloomy and silent old man.
Its release date is Thursday February 27, 2020

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Genre Drama
Country Russia
Starring Aleksandr Baluev, Ivan Arkhangelsky, Stepan Lapin & Vitaly Kishchenko