Movies like Услышь меня to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Drama movie Услышь меня with Evgeny Melyadin, Irina Alibekova, Marina Kuzovleva & Timur Khasanov?
Movies like Услышь меня with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Услышь меня?
1917, under the pretext of revolutionary ideas, the Chekist performs lynching on civilians in the village. Nowadays. 12-year-old city boy Vasya, together with his parents and older sister, finds himself in the same village in which several courtyards miraculously survived. The remaining few villagers live without light, communications and other benefits of civilization. But this does not prevent them from being happy. Vasya and his sister are destined to correct mistakes made in the past.
Its release date is Thursday March 12, 2020
Its release date is Thursday March 12, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Adventure & Drama |
Country | Russia |
Starring | Evgeny Melyadin, Irina Alibekova, Marina Kuzovleva & Timur Khasanov |