Movies like 2 Days in Paris to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie 2 Days in Paris with Adam Goldberg, Adan Jodorowsky, Daniel Brühl & Julie Delpy & created by Julie Delpy?

Movies like 2 Days in Paris with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 2 Days in Paris?

Marion and Jack try to rekindle their relationship with a visit to Paris, home of Marion's parents -- and several of her ex-boyfriends.

TAGLINE: "He knew Paris was for lovers, he just didn't think they were all hers."

Its release date is Friday February 9, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Culture Clash, Italian American, Paris, Photographer, Restaurant Owner, Taxi, Taxi Driver & Venice
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country France & Germany
Director Julie Delpy
Starring Adam Goldberg, Adan Jodorowsky, Daniel Brühl & Julie Delpy
Place Paris
Location Paris
Written by Julie Delpy
Cinematography Lubomir Bakchev
Music Julie Delpy
Runtime 96 min

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Lolo | Sep 3rd, 2015

5.7/10 | By Julie Delpy
France | Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu YouTube iTunes Tubi TV