Movies like 24: Redemption to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Crime movie 24: Redemption with Bob Gunton, Cherry Jones, Colm Feore & Kiefer Sutherland & created by Jon Cassar?
Movies like 24: Redemption with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 24: Redemption?
Its release date is Sunday November 23, 2008
Its release date is Sunday November 23, 2008
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Terrorism |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Crime |
Country | South Africa & The United States |
Director | Jon Cassar |
Starring | Bob Gunton, Cherry Jones, Colm Feore & Kiefer Sutherland |
Place | African Country |
Location | Los Angeles & South Africa |
Written by | Howard Gordon, Joel Surnow (creator), N/A, Robert Cochran (creator) & Tari |
Cinematography | Rodney Charters |
Runtime | N/A |