Movies like 36 Husbands to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie 36 Husbands with Christa Pasch, Dominic Anglim, Nadine Nourney & Roberta Bianchini & created by Michael Glover?

Movies like 36 Husbands with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 36 Husbands?

36 Husbands is a mystical, musical, Kung Fu spy comedy starring 3 powerful women - and a bunch of husbands. Krista, top spy and Kung Fu master, has extraordinary powers and she puts them in...

TAGLINE: "36 Husbands is a mystical, musical, Kung Fu spy comedy starring 3 powerful women - and a bunch of husbands."

Its release date is Thursday September 5, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Female Spy, Husbands, Kung Fu & Spy
Genre Comedy
Country United States of America
Director Michael Glover
Starring Christa Pasch, Dominic Anglim, Nadine Nourney & Roberta Bianchini
Place Kanpur
Written by Michael Glover
Runtime 83 min