Movies like 5 Headed Shark Attack to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Science Fiction movie 5 Headed Shark Attack with Chris Bruno, Jeffrey Holsman, Lindsay Sawyer & Nikki Alexis Howard & created by Jose Montesinos & Nico De Leon?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 5 Headed Shark Attack?

Shaped like a demented starfish, a monster 5-headed shark terrorizes the open ocean before invading the beaches of Puerto Rico, endangering the once peaceful island paradise.


Its release date is Monday July 10, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Monster, Mutant, Puerto Rico, Shark, Shark Attacks, Shark Attacks Fiction & Sharks & Shark Attacks
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Jose Montesinos & Nico De Leon
Starring Chris Bruno, Jeffrey Holsman, Lindsay Sawyer & Nikki Alexis Howard
Location Florida & Los Angeles
Written by Bill Hanstock (story by), Dan Lawlor, Daniel Lawlor (screenplay by), Jacob Cooney (story by), Sean P. Hale (screenplay by) & Stephen Meier (screenplay by)
Runtime 89 min

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