Movies like A Day in the Country to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie A Day in the Country with Georges D'Arnoux, Jacques B. Brunius, Jane Marken & Sylvia Bataille & created by Jean Renoir?

Movies like A Day in the Country with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Day in the Country?

The family of a Parisian shop-owner spends a day in the country. The daughter falls in love to a man at the inn, where they spend the day.
Its release date is Tuesday May 5, 1936

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Fishing Poll, Flash Forward, French Countryside, Inn, Picnic & Rowboat
Genre Drama & Romance
Country France
Director Jean Renoir
Starring Georges D'Arnoux, Jacques B. Brunius, Jane Marken & Sylvia Bataille
Written by Guy de Maupassant (short story) & Jean Renoir
Runtime 40 min

Other Drama movies by Jean Renoir

Swamp Water | Oct 23rd, 1941

Swamp Water
7.1/10 | By Irving Pichel & Jean Renoir
The United States | Crime, Drama & Mystery

The Woman on the Beach | Jun 2nd, 1947

The Woman on the Beach
6.6/10 | By Jean Renoir
Germany | Drama & Romance
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