Movies like A French Woman to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie A French Woman with Kim Ho-jung, Kim Ji-young, Kim Young-min & Ryu Abel?

Movies like A French Woman with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A French Woman?

Mira in her late 40´s has been living in Paris for around 20 years. Having just divorced her French husband, she decides to visit Korea, and meets her old friends Young-eun and Sung-woo. While having a cheerful time in the bar, Mira goes to the toilet and after she returns, time is reversed back to 19 years ago. It is the day of Mira’s farewell party, before she left to France.
Its release date is Thursday June 4, 2020

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Genre Drama
Country South Korea
Starring Kim Ho-jung, Kim Ji-young, Kim Young-min & Ryu Abel
Place Dorset & England