Movies like A Trip to the Moon to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Fantasy & Science Fiction movie A Trip to the Moon with Bleuette Bernon, Brunnet, Georges Méliès & Henri Delannoy & created by Georges Méliès?

Movies like A Trip to the Moon with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Trip to the Moon?

A group of astronomers go on an expedition to the Moon.
Its release date is Monday September 1, 1902

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Astronomer, Based On Novel Or Book, Early Cinema, Moon, Satire, Scientific Expedition, Short & Silent Film
Genre Adventure, Fantasy & Science Fiction
Country France
Director Georges Méliès
Starring Bleuette Bernon, Brunnet, Georges Méliès & Henri Delannoy
Written by N/A
Runtime 13 min

Other Adventure movies written by N/A

Untitled Fox/Marvel Film II
N/A/10 | By N/A
United States of America | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

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Underground Monster
4.8/10 | By Huang He
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