Movies like A Werewolf in England to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie A Werewolf in England with Mark McKirdy, Natalie Martins, Reece Connolly & Tim Cartwright & created by Charlie Steeds?
Movies like A Werewolf in England with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Werewolf in England?
A Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge at a remote countryside Inn, unaware that flesh-hungry werewolves inhabit the surrounding woodlands and are ready to feed.
Its release date is Monday September 28, 2020
Its release date is Monday September 28, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Criminal, Vacationing, Victorian England, Werewolf & Werewolves |
Genre | Horror |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | Charlie Steeds |
Starring | Mark McKirdy, Natalie Martins, Reece Connolly & Tim Cartwright |
Place | London & Yorkshire |
Location | London, Surrey & Wales |
Written by | Charlie Steeds |
Runtime | 84 min |
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Other Horror movies written by Charlie Steeds
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