Movies like A Woman’s Devotion to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Mystery movie A Woman’s Devotion with Janice Rule, Paul Henreid, Ralph Meeker & Rosenda Monteros & created by Paul Henreid?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Woman’s Devotion?

A newly married American couple vacationing in Mexico is prevented by the police from leaving Acapulco when the husband becomes prime suspect in a local girl's homicide.

TAGLINE: "The lovers of PICNIC together again"

Its release date is Friday November 16, 1956

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Film Noir & Mental Illness
Genre Drama & Mystery
Country The United States
Director Paul Henreid
Starring Janice Rule, Paul Henreid, Ralph Meeker & Rosenda Monteros
Place Mexico & Paris
Location Mexico
Written by Robert Hill (story and screenplay)
Cinematography Jorge Stahl Jr. & Raoul Coutard
Music Les Baxter & Michel Legrand
Runtime 88 min