Movies like Aararo Aariraro to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Aararo Aariraro with Bhanupriya, Jai Ganesh, K. Bhagyaraj & Manorama?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Aararo Aariraro?

abu is a care-taker in a mental hospital who shows much devotion to his job unlike other employees and more affection towards the patients in the hospital. He wears the patients' dress and moves with them like one among them. Due to this nature, the chief doctor, also a priest Father, likes him much more than others, fetching Babu the enmity of two compounders in the hospital. One of the financial donors of the hospital brings a wandering girl to the hospital suspecting that she is mentally ill. Since nobody knows anything about her and she is mentally challenged the hospital admits her.
Its release date is Sunday July 2, 1989

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Starring Bhanupriya, Jai Ganesh, K. Bhagyaraj & Manorama
Place Psychiatric Hospitals