Movies like Abandoned to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Abandoned with Giuliano Montaldo, Isa Miranda, Jean-Pierre Mocky & Lucia Bosé & created by Francesco Maselli?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Abandoned?

In the summer of 1943 Countess Luisa and her son Andrea left Milan to escape the bombings and retreated to their country villa, where they host two of Andrea's contemporaries, cousin Carlo,...
Its release date is Wednesday September 7, 1955

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Italian Occupation, Italian Wars & Resistance
Genre Drama
Director Francesco Maselli
Starring Giuliano Montaldo, Isa Miranda, Jean-Pierre Mocky & Lucia Bosé
Written by Ageo Savioli, Eriprando Visconti, Eriprando Visconti (story) & Francesco Maselli
Runtime 102 min