Movies like Absolute Deception to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie Absolute Deception with Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert McQueen & Ty Hungerford & created by Brian Trenchard-Smith?

Movies like Absolute Deception with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Absolute Deception?

A widowed reporter recruits the help of a federal agent to investigate her late husband's secrets, but the two become the target of unknown attackers.

TAGLINE: "She thought she had the perfect life"

Its release date is Monday June 10, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action
Country The United States
Director Brian Trenchard-Smith
Starring Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert McQueen & Ty Hungerford
Place Queensland
Location Australia
Written by Jeffrey Schenck (story), Kraig Wenman & Peter Sullivan (story)
Cinematography Dan Macarthur
Music Michael Richard Plowman
Runtime 92 min

Other Action movies by Brian Trenchard-Smith

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5.2/10 | By Brian Trenchard-Smith
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Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Aztec Rex | May 5th, 2007

Aztec Rex
2.9/10 | By Brian Trenchard-Smith
The United States | Action & Adventure
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