Movies like Absolutely Anything to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Science Fiction movie Absolutely Anything with Kate Beckinsale, Rob Riggle, Sanjeev Bhaskar & Simon Pegg & created by Terry Jones?

Movies like Absolutely Anything with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Absolutely Anything?

A group of eccentric aliens confer a human being with the power to do absolutely anything, as an experiment.

TAGLINE: "Great power. Total irresponsibility."

Its release date is Friday June 26, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien, Body Transformation, Dogs, Godlike Power, London England, Super Power, Talking Animal, Teacher, Transformation & Wish Fulfillment
Genre Comedy & Science Fiction
Country United Kingdom
Director Terry Jones
Starring Kate Beckinsale, Rob Riggle, Sanjeev Bhaskar & Simon Pegg
Written by Gavin Scott (screenplay) & Terry Jones (screenplay)
Cinematography Peter Hannan
Music George Fenton
Runtime 85 min

Other Comedy movies by Terry Jones

Monty Python | Mar 13th, 1975

Monty Python
8.3/10 | By Terry Gilliam, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones & Terry Jones
United Kingdom | Adventure, Comedy & Fantasy
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Erik the Viking | Sep 1st, 1989

Erik the Viking
6.3/10 | By Terry Jones
Sweden | Adventure, Comedy & Fantasy
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Life of Brian | Aug 17th, 1979

Life of Brian
8.1/10 | By Terry Jones
United Kingdom | Comedy
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